Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Multi-Medium Flip Book ( thank you for your comments! )


  1. i really liked your flip book, loved the fly idea and the use of words and color.

    -Roy Kupferberg

  2. I liked all the movement with the fly. I thought it was cool how when it was moving around the page you would make it larger so it seemed like it was popping out of the page.

    Emily De Lorme

  3. Well laid-out story, good use of color and of animation. Great action text ("SPLAT!"). I love it.

  4. very creative work of art! i like how you kept it very simple and i thought it was very entertaining to watch.

    -Hessa Al Rumaihi

  5. one of my favorites of the class! I loved your mixing of mediums.... the chalk/pastel gave a soft even effect and a hint of great color
